All the meteorological development co-operation projects funded by
Finland have been evaluated by international expert teams. During the
implementation of a project an interim review has guided the further
progress of the project. After the completion of the project final
evaluation has been carried out to assess the relevance and fullfilment
of objectives, development efficiency, effectiveness, impact and
Evaluation Recommendations
The SADC and CAI were evaluated in 1999. The Thematic Evaluation on Environment and Development in Finnish Development Cooperation - Meteorology -
in 1987-1998 was published in 1999 by The Ministry for Foreign Affairs Department for International Development Cooperation.
The international evaluation teams recommendations for the
future development cooperation programmes in the field of meteorology are as follows:
- The variety of environmental and development issues in Regions, where nearly all kind of natural disasters can be found,
give a good reason to continue Meteorology Development Co-operation in CAI and SADC Regions.
Opportunities have to be created for less developed services to benefit from the experience of their stronger partners.
The strategy must concentrate on consolidation of gains but it should be recognized that these Projects correspond to the
first stage of development for future NMHSs and all countries still need external assistance of some kind.
- Assistance is needed in preparation of countries’ national reports in relation to the International Conventions.
- Each NMS should prepare its own Meteorology Development Plan. Assistance is needed in most cases.
- Meteorology Development Plans need to be integrated with those of National Development in order to have
Meteorology Plans included in the finite set of national priorities.
- For complex Projects there is a need to monitor a prolonged monitoring of the sustainability of project results
with a yearly evaluation for at least 5 years after project completion to guarantee feedback for future plans.
- To ensure the best use of capital investment made by Projects it may be feasible to come with a limited assistance
to overcome difficulties that are out of hands of local Governments.
- The position of Embassies should be analyzed. One possibility is strengthening them with technical staff and
increasing their commitment in the whole process of Development Cooperation.
In this sense the Embassies should be active from the planning phase through the implementation up to the evaluation and monitoring.
The Embassies should have a close co-operation with the meteorological community in the target areas.
- Meteorology Development Cooperation should be user-oriented with the main areas being:
- Natural Disasters,
- Rural Development,
- Food and Agriculture,
- Water Resources,
- Climate Change,
- Energy,
- Land, Sea and Air Transport,
- Health.
- A cost/benefit study of the user-oriented meteorological and hydrological services to different economic
sectors and target beneficiaries should be done in every recipient country.